the biggest mistake about fly fishing, is that its just about fish

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Agulukpak Weekend

We are now fishing the Pak!!!

This weekend John, Rob and I loaded up the jet boat and set out on a pretty cool adventure. We blasted up the Wok and headed for the Little Togiak where we picked up our two 17' river sleds, and made our way up Lake Nerka to the Agulukpak River. Im glad I wore my spurs, because it was one heck of a wild ride. There were rollers cruising on our backs that would have made anyone a little apprehensive. Had to zig-zag the waves to keep the boat from slamming too hard. Needless to say I wont need to visit a chiropractor any time soon, as the ride fully adjusted every cell in my body.

While the ride was rough, the scenery in that part of the park is absolutely beautiful, looking at the surrounding mountains you would think you were up in the high places, when the elevation is actually less then 100 feet. The trek went pretty uneventfully besides getting some air over some big waves, but we got there with time to spare and got ready to hit the river!

After a short break to stretch the legs John jumped onto the tiller and we blasted upriver to see our new office for the month. This is one spooky piece of water, calling it a bone-yard would almost be an understatement. There are huge boulders all over the place, and you cannot miss your line, if you do your straight up hosed, as youll hit one rock, and then once your momentum is gone and you drop off of step you slam into the rocks that you could have jetted straight over.....

We got to the top, and actually got to fun-fish for quite a while. The small chunks of time that we get to fish for ourselves are what its all about. I love seeing smiles as people catch a fish of a lifetime, and knowing that i helped accomplish that for them, but getting some stick time is what keeps me going every day.

After fishing for about 45 minutes it happened. I laid out a good drift and got a huge take and the battle was on! This fish straight up showed me who was the boss. I had to jump out of the boat and scramble over to some calm water to tire him out, and he eventually slid into the net and the stoke was on. To this date its my best alaskan rainbow, and it was 23"+. A toad for sure, but for this river its an "average fish," whatever the heck that means anyways.

Later on in the evening Rob and I went out to see if we could find a char or two for the bbq, to no avail. We kept on catching these silver fish. Oh yea, rainbows.....darn?

I cant wait for later this month when the fishing gets hot and heavy up here. Egg drop time is almost upon us!!

Its about time for me to go to bed. Hopefully ill get some good dreams handed down from the fish gods.....

Until next time sportsfans.......

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful adventure you are on Tayler. I enjoy reading your blog very much. You should write for a sports mag.
